The differences are huge. In a traditional garage, cars normally enter at one or two entry points that eventually merge into one ramp to get to higher or lower levels. In a Park-n-Rail garage, cars enter different levels at the same time from a common roadway outside of the garage. Then each entrance expands to 5 or more entry points on each level. For example, if there are 10 levels to a Park-n-Rail garage, then there will be a total of 50 entry points. So a 10 level Park-n-Rail garage will now have 50 entry points and would be approximately 50 times faster than a traditional garage and with NO RAMPS. Please view the video on our website to better understand how Park-n-Rail works.

The reason Park-n-Rail has at least five additional entrance points on each level is to keep the traffic moving and will send drivers to the correct area of the garage where their reserved parking space is located. For example, when a Park-n-Rail driver purchases a parking permit, his/her reserved parking space might be 6-B132. Approaching the garage from the outside, the driver will exit onto Level 6, then enter the garage in B lane (Lanes available A, B, C, D, E) and then directly to space 132.

We are simply dividing each garage floor into multiple zones. Each commuter will use the zone where his/her parking space is located.