

What Is Park-n-Rail?2022-08-10T09:59:57-07:00

Park-n-Rail is a newly patented designed parking garage and subway station that is capable of parking large numbers of cars quickly over a short period of time and transporting commuters to their final destination using a subway system.

How long does it take to park one’s car after leaving the interstate?2024-06-11T12:01:31-07:00

The magic of Park-n-Rail is that commuters will be able to exit off our interstates and drive directly to their parking spaces within 3-10 minutes. This is a game changer in removing large numbers of cars off our interstates. This speed has never been done before anywhere in the world. The speed comes from Park-n-Rail not using internal ramps !!! Please watch the Park-n-Rail video for a detailed view of the single ramp/roadway built on the outside of the Park-n-Rail garage.

Who will own the Park-n-Rail garages and Metro stations?2023-04-25T15:32:18-07:00

In most cases, ownership will be shared between the States and the Subway companies.

Surprisingly, there are only 210 subway systems around the world. Will Park-n-Rail’s unique design help additional cities build new subway systems.2024-06-11T12:02:42-07:00

Absolutely, bringing new commuters to subway systems around the world will not only increase the population of additional subways but help existing subway systems who are feeling financial stress, post COVID. Metro ridership in the Washington DC area is down approximately 40% from 2012 numbers; this is a huge budget buster number. Park-n-Rail will be a financial gift to new and old subways around the world.

What is an ideal location for a Park-n-Rail garage and subway station?2024-06-11T12:03:45-07:00

The best location is approximately 10-20 miles out from a city center and built directly above a main interstate heading into a city.

For maximum use and convenience, a Park-n-Rail garage and subway stations should be located at the intersection of two main highways. For example, it is suggested that the first location in the Washington DC area should be at the intersection of I-270 and I-370. Our goal is to make Park-n-Rail available to the most number of commuters with the ability to park one’s car within 3-10 minutes of leaving an interstate highway.

Where would the first and second Park-n-Rail garage/metro stations be built in the Washington DC area?2024-06-11T12:05:42-07:00

The first Park-n-Rail garage/metro station would be built in Maryland at the intersection of I-270 and I-370. This is an ideal first site in that it will remove approximately 18,000 cars off of I-270 and another 5,500 cars off the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/MD 200.

Many of the 5,000 cars which will use the ICC will be new users. They will be using the ICC to park in the Park-n-Rail garage at I-270. Normally these commuters would continue southbound on I-95 to the Beltway. This will be a huge help to the Beltway at the intersection of I-95 and I-495. We will not only be fixing I-270 traffic but moderately fixing the Beltway congestion at I-95 and I-495.

After the first Park-n-Rail garage/metro is up and running on I-270, the second location would be built at the intersection of I-95 and the Intercounty Connector (ICC)/MD 200. This piece of land is very large with about 60 acres of land.

This location will remove at least 20,000 cars on I-95 that currently exit onto I-495 during the morning rush hour. Removing these numbers of cars will cause the beltway traffic to start moving at its normal speed with fewer delays. In the future this Metro line could extend toward Columbia MD and Baltimore MD.

Park-n-Rail is designed to expand the number of parking spaces at any time. Expandability is the strength of Park-n-Rail in that it can expand as our population and economy grows. There is no need to add 4 lanes to our Maryland beltway now and in 40 years add another 4 lanes and in 80 years add 4 more lanes. It is imperative that we plan for the future. We need to stop building roads and start removing cars off our highways…Park-n-Rail is the answer.

What if there are no subway stops near the Interstates?2022-12-13T10:32:57-08:00

In many cases there will not be a subway stop next to the Interstate. However, there are solutions. For example, in Maryland, the last stop to Metro’s Red Line is the Shady Grove Station. This Metro station is approximately 3 miles away from the Intersection of I-270 and I-370. At this intersection there is approximately 65 acres of unused State owned land. This is an ideal location for a Park-n-Rail garage.

The Metro Red Line will simply be extended from the current Shady Grove location to I-270/I-370 via above ground and elevated rail. This will now be the final stop for the Red Line.

In the future, the Red Line could continue into Virginia, under the Potomac River and onto Dulles Airport. See Park-n-Rail Reference Guide for details.

How long would it take to build the first Park-n-Rail garage/Metro station at I-270 & I-3702022-12-13T10:28:42-08:00

It will take approximately 3-4 years to complete construction after the necessary permits have been issued. The exciting part of Park-n-Rail is that it’s not only a short construction period but the construction site is only 1 mile long or 2 miles when you add both directions on I-270.

When you compare the construction of a Park-n-Rail site on I-270 to the one that is proposed on the beltway with 4 new lanes, the mileage differences are gigantic. As indicated above, the number of miles with a Park-n-Rail site on I-270 is about 2 miles long; on the beltway it would be approximately 30 miles long when you add both directions.

The construction of adding 4 lanes to the beltway will be a nightmare for our commuters. Today, it is bumper-to-bumper traffic. We cannot imagine how big the backups would be when construction begins to add 4 new lanes to the Maryland Beltway. Commuters lives will change dramatically over the 10 year construction period; many will have no choice but to find new employment. 

Will most Park-n-Rail garages be built on land above the Interstates which lead into cities?2024-06-11T12:06:23-07:00

Yes, almost all Park-n-Rail stations will be built on land above our main interstates that lead into our cities. This land is mostly owned by cities and states around the world. There is plenty of unused land available for the construction of Park-n-Rail garages and subway stations.

These locations will give commuters the quickest access to a subway. Our goal is to get commuters into their reserved parking spaces within 3 – 10 minutes of exiting off the interstates. From their parking spaces, the commuters will take an elevator down to a subway station or shopping mall.

During construction, what are some of the added benefits to building a Park-n-Rail garage vs. building new roads or lanes?2022-11-14T15:25:08-08:00

There are many benefits…

  • The reduction in the amount of concrete used will be substantial
  • Removing ten of thousands of trees and other green plants will likewise be substantial
  • There would be no need to replace or move sound barriers on I-495 and I-270
  • There would be no need to move water, gas, electric and sewer lines on I-495 and I-270
  • No need to tear down homes or relocate existing cemeteries
  • No increase in traffic jambs during 8-10 years of construction. With Park-n-Rail there will only be two miles of construction at the inspection of I-270 and I-370.
  • The cost to build Park-n-Rail garages and subway extensions will be totally paid for by users, who simply pay standard parking and subway fares.
Are parking spaces reserved?2024-06-11T12:06:51-07:00

Yes, approximately 90% of parking spaces will be reserved and paid in advance. There will be some spaces that can be accessed daily and paid by an all electronic payment system such as E-Z Pass. Since Park-n-Rail will primarily be used by commuters, our goal is to make most spaces reserved and paid in advance.

Can local buses drop passengers off at the Park-n-Rail garages?2022-08-10T10:48:54-07:00

Yes, Park-n-Rail is designed to handle most public and private buses at every garage.

How do I pay for my space?2022-08-30T11:14:49-07:00

All reserved parking spaces will be paid in advance on the Park-n-Rail’s website. You will be able to rent your pre-selected space weekly, monthly or yearly. The goal is to make Park-n-Rail a cash free payment environment.

There will also be an option to purchase your space, just as you would a condominium. Families will own these spaces for many years into the future. Early purchasers will get the best spaces. These spaces can also be rented to third parties. All spaces will be accessible 24/7/365. Standard property taxes will be paid to the city, county or state each year on spaces that are owned individually.

Can taxis, Uber, Lyft etc. drop passengers off at the Park-n-Rail garages?2022-08-10T10:49:30-07:00

Yes, all forms of paid travel by car will be able to drop off and pick up at every Park-n-Rail garage.

Can bicycles, motor scooters and other motorized bikes use Park-n-Rail?2022-08-10T10:50:06-07:00

Yes, they will have access to all Park-n-Rail garages. There will be a separate area for these types of bikes to park. There will be a weekly, monthly or yearly fee for a smaller space where owners can park and lock their bikes.

Free air and self-washing will be available to owners of these types of bikes.

Will there be electric car charging stations inside a Park-n-Rail garage?2022-11-14T15:06:04-08:00

Yes, there will be charging stations inside a Park-n-Rail garage. The charging stations will be generic to handle all models of electric cars and bikes.

Our goal is to buy electricity during the late evening/early morning in large quantities and resell it to commuters during the day at the lowest price.

Every Park-n-Rail garage will be designed to increase the number of electric charging ports as the population of electric cars increases. Parking spaces that are owned, could have private charging ports where the commuter can use at any time and be billed directly on their home electric bill.

Park-n-Rail garages will have more electronic charging ports under one roof than anywhere else in the world.

What is the difference between a traditional garage and a Park-n-Rail garage?2022-12-13T10:19:18-08:00

The differences are huge. In a traditional garage, cars normally enter at one or two entry points that eventually merge into one ramp to get to higher or lower levels. In a Park-n-Rail garage, cars enter different levels at the same time from a common roadway outside of the garage. Then each entrance expands to 5 or more entry points on each level. For example, if there are 10 levels to a Park-n-Rail garage, then there will be a total of 50 entry points. So a 10 level Park-n-Rail garage will now have 50 entry points and would be approximately 50 times faster than a traditional garage and with NO RAMPS. Please view the video on our website to better understand how Park-n-Rail works.

The reason Park-n-Rail has at least five additional entrance points on each level is to keep the traffic moving and will send drivers to the correct area of the garage where their reserved parking space is located. For example, when a Park-n-Rail driver purchases a parking permit, his/her reserved parking space might be 6-B132. Approaching the garage from the outside, the driver will exit onto Level 6, then enter the garage in B lane (Lanes available A, B, C, D, E) and then directly to space 132.

We are simply dividing each garage floor into multiple zones. Each commuter will use the zone where his/her parking space is located.

How much fuel can be saved if every city with a subway builds 5 Park-n-Rail garages.2024-06-11T12:08:12-07:00

If all 200 cities with subways worldwide were to build an average of 5 Park-n-Rail garages, there would be a saving of between 15 billion and 25 billion gallons of gas each year.

These savings could dramatically increase when bottleneck traffic begins moving at normal speeds. Trucks and cars will not only save money on reducing fuel bills but time as well. Commerce would be a big beneficiary where less time will be spent driving and more deliveries per hour would be realized.

How much gas is saved per year using a Park-n-Rail garage?2022-11-14T15:08:13-08:00

We estimate that each commuter, on average, will save 3.0 gallons of gas (round trip) for each car that is parked in a Park-n-Rail garage. This equates to a savings of 78,000 to 120,000 gallons of gas each day, depending on the size and location of the garage. This number could be smaller if the garage is closer to the city or larger if it is farther away from the city.

In Washington DC for example, we have determined that the optimal number of Park-n-Rail garages would be 5. With 5 garages, Washington DC can expect to save between 390,000 and 600,000 gallons of gas each day or between 101 or 156 million gallons per year. These are HUGE numbers. These numbers equate to a reduction of 10,000 to 15,000 tanker deliveries to our local gas stations each year, more HUGE numbers.

Will Park-n-Rail reduce global warming?2022-10-25T11:19:57-07:00

The goal of Park-n-Rail is to reduce the number of cars in our major cities worldwide. This will substantially reduce the consumption of gas and CO2 pollutants. We view Park-n-Rail as the most significant new transportation project that will begin reducing global warming in the 21st century.

How many Park-n-Rail garages would an average city have?2022-10-25T11:49:09-07:00

On average, most cities would have between 4 and 6 Park-n-Rail garages. However, there will be cities like New York that could have 6 or more garages.

Please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide for details how Park-n-Rail will substantially reduce large range of cars entering NYC each day. THIS IS A MUST READ.

Would subways around the world need to update current subway systems to handle increased passenger counts?2022-09-07T12:40:02-07:00

Yes, subway systems would need to be upgraded. These locations would need to add subway cars and modernize subway stations. Many stations would require additional entrances and exits at most station stops. It would be the goal, if possible, to enter and exit each subway station at the same speed prior to the beginning of Park-n-Rail.

In Washington DC for example, Metro is discussing the need to add capacity by adding an additional subway line under the Potomac River. This would certainly help with the increased demand in the Washington DC area and would certainly help when introducing Park-n-Rail.

Do commuters save money by using Park-n-Rail?2024-06-11T12:09:54-07:00

Yes, please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide, for an in depth study on how commuters will save money using Park-n-Rail. These savings include gas, tires, repairs, depreciation, parking etc.

It should also be noted that additional savings would be realized when tolls are removed. It is estimated that tolls could be up to $50 during peak driving periods.

Park-n-Rail is totally against tolls and increased taxes to pay for construction costs. Additionally, we are against the use of a Public Private Partnership (PPP). A PPP is another layer of costs that is not needed. There is a risk of a disagreement with a PPP contractor that could delay construction. We are now experiencing this on the construction of the Purple Line in the Washington DC area.

How are Park-n-Railgarages and Metro Stations paid for?2022-12-13T10:31:21-08:00

No Federal funds
No State funds
No City & County funds
No new taxes
No new tolls on I-495 and I-270
Never a Public Private Partnership, Park-n-Rail does not need a PPP

Standard parking and subway fares will more than offset the cost of building Park-n-Rail garages worldwide and enhanced subway systems. Please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide for financing details.

Will Park-n-Rail eliminate the need to widen the Washington DC Beltway in Maryland by four lanes; improvements on I-270 and updating the American Legion Bridge?2022-12-13T10:32:23-08:00

Absolutely, Park-n-Rail will eliminate this need to add four new lanes and tolls to the Washington DC Beltway in Maryland and many of the proposed new improvements on I-270. Adding a total of 2 new lanes to the American Legion bridge is a good idea, the bridge is aging and is in need of improvements.

The traffic problems on I-270 are mostly caused by the traffic backup from Germantown MD where I-270 turns into a two lane highway all the way to Frederick MD. This is the area of improvements that are needed ASAP. Park-n-Rail has proposed a new idea on how to fix this roadway. Please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide, for details.

We cannot blame our elected officials for proposing new lanes with tolls. They were not aware at the time that Park-n-Rail exists. Park-n-Rail will do the job and not require adding lanes which could take 8-10 years to complete from today.

We need to stop thinking that we always need to add new lanes to fix traffic problems with the growth of population. Please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide, for an in depth review on the proposed new lanes to the Washington DC Beltway and improvements to I-270.

Is there a shopping area inside Park-n-Rail garages for commuters?2022-10-25T11:58:20-07:00

Yes, all Park-n-Rail stations will have a shopping mall similar to those built in airports. It is our goal to make commuting a stress free experience. Part of the fuel savings and commuter’s time will come from commuters not needing to drive to locations other than where they have parked their car at the Park-n-Rail station to buy what they need.

Can Park-n-Rail garages be used for other purposes when there is reduced demand over the weekends or on holidays.2022-08-10T11:00:43-07:00

Yes, certain activities can be held during this time, such as: Saturday’s Farmers Market, Job Fairs, Electric Car Exposition, various forms of entertainment etc.

Attendees to these events would take the subway from other Metro stops to attend these events. This would provide more revenue to the garages and subways on weekends and holidays.

Do Park-n-Rail garages come in different sizes?2024-06-11T12:10:38-07:00

Yes, Park-n-Rail garages come in different sizes. The size of the garage is based on the amount of commuter traffic that uses a particular interstate traveling into a city center. Since the Park-n-Rail garages will be built directly on top of interstates, the size is also based on the size of land that is available. We estimate that a minimum land size should be approximately 35 acres. This size will easily fit a 10,000 car Park-n-Rail garage.

The cost of the land will almost always be a no cost item. Interstate land is almost always owned by states or counties where the Park-n-Rail garage’s will be built.

Capacity can range from 10,000 to 35,000 cars. All Park-n-Rail garages will be designed to be upgradable to handle larger number of cars at a later date.

How will you convince commuters to use Park-n-Rail ?2024-06-11T12:11:45-07:00

It is simple, each commuter will save at least $5.00 per day or $1,200 per year to use Park-n-Rail.

Simple math will show that the current overall cost to operate an automobile and other expenses is approximately $5.00 – $20.00 more per day then it would cost to use Park-n-Rail. This will be a huge savings for Park-n-Rail users. Please refer to the Park-n-Rail Reference Guide for exact numbers.

The savings above do not include new TOLLS that will be assessed to commuters using special lanes. Peak tolls can be as high as $50.00 per day, depending if you are on I-270 or I-495 and distance traveled.

There are many subway systems around the world that are suffering financially due to COVID and more people working from home. Will Park-n-Rail help these cities financially with increased ridership?2022-11-14T15:13:32-08:00

Park-n-Rail will be a godsend to these cities suffering with lower subway ridership. We estimate that the first Park-n-Rail location at the intersection of I-270 and I-370 in Maryland will increase Metro ridership by at least 33,000 one way trips per day or 66,000 round trips.

With an approximate fare of $14.00 round trip, total revenues will be at least $462,000 per day or $120 million per year. When 4 additional Park-n-Rail stations go on line in the Washington DC area in later years, revenue will increase substantially.

What other conveniences will Park-n-Rail offer?2022-11-14T15:14:02-08:00

There are numerous benefits, such as:

  • Approximately 90% of parking spaces are reserved
  • Commuters can have the option to rent or purchase their parking spaces
  • No ramps to get to your parking level, please view Park-n-Rail™ video
  • From the Interstate to your reserved parking space in minutes
  • Electronic charging ports available at your parking space with a one time setup fee
  • Airport style shopping mall
  • Private club, similar to your typical airline club
  • USPS, UPS, FEDEX, Amazon etc.
  • ATM machines from various banks
  • Airline ticket machines
  • Airline arrival and departure times for all 3 Washington DC airports
  • AMTRAK arrival and departure times
  • Free air and vacuuming services
  • Parking open 24/7/365
Are there other transit projects that Park-n-Rail supports?2022-08-10T11:01:22-07:00

Yes, we support all public transportation initiatives that take cars off our highways. The Maryland Transportation Authority under the Maryland Department Transportation, has invested in rail projects such as MARC for many years. Consideration should be given to MARC since they service many smaller towns throughout Maryland and there should be funding available to further develop the MARC system including added parking at many MARC stations.

Additionally, consideration should be given to adding one or two small Park-n-Rail stations to the MARC system. Adding a 15,000 car garage will substantially increase passenger count. A proposed first location could be at the intersection of I-295 and 195 close to the BWI Airport. This station would support Baltimore as well as Washington. Connecting these two cities is essential. We need to make it easy for commuters to use mass transit with easy access parking. This is what Park-n-Rail is all about.

Are Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) needed with a Park-n-Rail solution?2022-10-25T11:42:52-07:00

Absolutely not, PPP’s are not even on our radar screen. Why would we need a PPP relationship. We don’t need their tolls, funding or an entire new level of costs and management. Park-n-Rail has an innovative solution to funding and removing cars off our interstates within minutes and quickly onto Metro. The users simply pay standard parking and subway fees to easily fund the cost of construction to build a Park-n-Rail garage and metro station.

With Park-n-Rail we don’t need to widen roads; we don’t need to spend the next 7-10 years adding 4 new lanes to our beltway and we don’t need to be married to a PPP contractor for at least the next 3 decades. We really don’t need a PPP.

The Purple Line in Maryland is now 4.5 years behind schedule and will not open until late 2026. There are cost overruns exceeding $1.4 billion and Maryland has no option but to pay these higher costs. The PPP contractor controls everything in this relationship, it is certainly not a partnership. The duration of this contract is to last approximately 36 years. We believe there is more pain to come in this partnership.

According to the Washington Post “The longer-term financial implications {of the purple line} would be steeper. The state’s cost of a broader agreement for a private concessionaire to build, operate and maintain the line for several decades would climb from $5.6 billion to $9.3 billion.”

We believe our elected officials in Maryland will now take a closer look at a Park-n-Rail solution, largely because there are no tolls, no roads to expand and no PPP contractor. Our elected officials now have a second option on how to solve our traffic challenges on I-270 and I-495. The Park-n-Rail option was not available when early decisions were made on how to fund the road expansions on I-270 and I-495.

It is important to understand that if the construction projects on I-270 and I-495 are delayed in mid-stream and the PPP contractor leaves or stops construction for whatever reason, it would not only be a devastating blow to our commuters but our entire region who have come to rely on these very important highways. Who knows what will happen a few years into construction. The PPP contractor could simply say there are cost overruns of $200 million dollars and they cannot continue without more funding. The PPP contractor will always be a sole source contractor for cost overruns. There will never be a bidding process to get the best possible price once these PPP contracts begin.

These contracts will be huge and there are many areas where the contractor can say he was not aware of a particular dispute. For example, during construction, the PPP contractor came across an unknown water line, they could simply say they need another $25 million dollars to reroute this line. One could easily imagine that this contract could be delayed for months if not years because of these types of disputes.

Selecting a PPP is a bad idea for these contracts to expand I-270 and I-495. We have one disaster with the Purple Line, we certainly don’t need a second one.

Please refer to Park-n-Rail Reference Guide for detailed information on how Park-n-Rail will be financed.

For an in depth look on how PPP’s operate, please take a look at Maryland Matters website article Plans to Privatize Maryland’s Highways with Toll Lanes are Not in the Public Interest for a complete analysis by Mr. Gary V. Hodge. Mr Hodge is one of the leading authorities on Maryland transportation issues.

Maryland Matters is an excellent source for transportation issues plaguing the Washington DC area.

What do you see as the future of Park-n-Rail and the impact it will have on cities around the world?2022-11-14T15:39:24-08:00

We believe that Park-n-Rail will go down in history as the single-most innovated solution in removing cars off our highways especially at rush hour. With millions and millions of cars parking 10 plus miles outside our cities, Park-n-Rail will not only reduce traffic but reduce huge amounts of CO-2 pollutants from our atmosphere thus causing the reduction in GLOBAL WARMING.

Finally, the cost of building Park-n-Rail garages will be totally paid for by the users that park their cars and use subways into our cities. What a great arrangement where we solve our traffic problems without needing to pay tolls or additional taxes.

Everybody is a winner with Park-n-Rail😊

Can’t find an Answer?

There is an in depth 65 page Park-n-Rail Reference Guide that can be purchased on our web site that details every facet on how Park-n-Rail operates. This document presents all the information needed to fully understand the unique features of Park-n-Rail including excel spreadsheets on how commuters will save money using Park-n-Rail; cost of structures; how these garages will pay for themselves and the finance mechanism of funding the entire Park-n-Rail project. This is the first ever document that actually details how Park-n-Rail will substantially reduce traffic at rush hour around the world with a substantial reduction in CO2 gases that is a proven cause of pollution and global warming.

Order Reference Guide Now


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